
A Wes Anderson-inspired game experience

About this project

For my final Creative Thinking final, I created a short parody film titled “The Making of Project No. 8”, emulating the style of Wes Anderson. I’m a relatively new fan of his work, but it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with his visual style and quirky way of telling stories.

There’s a reason why people love the Marvel Universe, the Star Wars Saga, the Wizarding World. It’s fun to imagine a environment where all your characters live in the same universe, befriend each other, and can explore new adventures together. I thought, why not build that experience for Wes Anderson?

Chapter card

All of Anderson's films are included in the game. Players can play in "Story Mode" (linear) and complete missions aligned to the core plot or in "Explore Mode" and venture out in open-world to explore more of each of the story worlds. 

Play as a third-party character

In each film story, you play as a new supporting character. Throughout each level, you help the main characters accomplish their tasks and move the plot along.

Character examples: a lobby boy in Grand Budapest Hotel, a scout in Moonrise Kingdom

Limited edition guide events

I created special events based off of Accidentally Wes Anderson (AWA)’s travel guides. The goal is to visit all the locations in the event/guide and complete your missions to win one location that you can add to your Andersonville neighborhood. 

See reference guide from AWA for the New York Guide.

Look out for Easter eggs

Each special event will include characters and hidden items from films that were also based in that location. In Andersonville, all your buildings and characters live in harmony, whether they’re from the story world or from the real world.

Examples: Royal Tenenbaums x New York, Isle of Dogs x Tokyo
Shown: Glaser’s Bake Shop (NYC) + Richie Tenenbaum (Royal Tenenbaums)